Reflection (The Future of Work)

future_of_work.jpeg-600x314.jpgfig1. jobs for the future of work ( Flynn, 2017).
Group fives presentations topic was on the future of work, it was well informed , the examples given were interesting and there was a well amount of areas talked about in this topic. we were informed about would it be possible for robots to take over jobs, what would happen to humans in the job field, trends with robot, technology in jobs, robots that are already used for jobs right now, and how it would effect the word.
The group that presented talked about the possibility of robotics taking over human jobs in the future , what it would be like for robots to be in the work field, what service would be like for humans and we were also informed about a robot working for amazon “called Kiva Robot “. The future of work was also discussed, the amount of unemployed people , amount of jobs lost and other changes were also talked about. Current trends with new technology was also discussed and the subjects talked about this were about how new technology are already being used in work places however they’re not taking us over yet, another topic that was talked about similar to what was said was will technology replace labor. The subject of how robots in the future will effect the environment was another subject discussed and I think this subject is very important as our environment is the foundation of earth.
we then debated on the moot which was “In the near future,there would be no need for humans in the workplace for we would be replaced by technology”.
Everyone agreed to the moot, the comments made were that if robots took over workplaces us humans wouldn’t be able to get paid and look after ourselves and this could lead to human extinction because of the amount of jobs lost and money and this also makes us think about if there were no humans around how would robots maintain themselves as robots can fix technical issues of them selves which also leads to robots would not be able to maintain earth themselves and another comment made was robots can’t make emotional connects with humans as they have no feelings.
In conclusion this topic is very interesting, the facts told were well informed  and there were a good amount of comments made from everyones view.
flynn, m. (2017). jobs for the future of work. retrieved from

Assignment 2 (Part 2)

l_m_eng_ds_100520_72dpi.jpg Figure1. Schmerz. (Monet,2014).
I View the process of painting as an extraordinarily form of discovering the world”( Alison M and Gingeras 98). Neo Rauch is a painter from German, who paints surrealism and figurative imagery, his work has an interesting content however I found his piece “Schmerz” some how not that gripping as his other works because of the colours, subjects, and the texture.
Rauchs canvas painting “Schmerz” was produced in 2004 and where the painting was produced is unknown, the materials used is oil paint, is 106.33 x 82.66 itches, 270cm x 210 cm (Picitify), the themes going through out this piece is surrealism (Zwirner). This painting has a theme of  surrealism, the reason for Rauchs painting to have a surrealism theme is because his paintings are based of dreams he has about his childhood memories (Volk). Surrealism was a very big movement in art, this started out from the Dada movement in 1924 and this was during ” rebellion against middle class complacency”(The art story), this is a theme used in art linked to artist and their dreams and emotions.The colours on the piece look very dull, the colours in this painting is one of the reasons why I dislike this piece, as we can see Rauch uses neutral colours in his paintings, however it makes his painting look very emotionless and dull other piece of his work that gives off the same look is ” Haus Des Lehres”  and the mood on this piece is known to be gloomy as the colours used are quite dark and it has a lot of shadows and a hint of light (Neue Rollen 31).
The subjects in Rauchs painting ” Schmerz” are painted in a way that makes the subjects look flat, this is not very appealing to me because it almost makes the painting look like a paper collage but however he says he does this for the viewers to notice the space in the painting ” Flat graphic style to a vivid realisation of space” (Neue Rollin 9). Again the subjects used in his paintings are also linked to his dreams and past experiences as well as the themes in his paintings “Surroundings, exposing the inner layers of an experience that had always been there” (Hate Cantz Shattered Units), the subjects in his piece “Schmerz” have subjects that are related to the military, this is because Rauch has a history with the military service (Zwirner),all his subjects or objects in his paintings are from personal experiences. Rauchs subjects in this painting are all placed in different scales to look abstract, Rauch does this in all of his paintings to challenge his viewers “Pantings the way I would have theme are in positions to lead viewers off at the path of a right angle” (Alison M and Gingeras 99).
Another reason why Rauchs painting “Schmerz” is not pleasing to me is because of the texture of this piece. Rauch uses oil paint in his paintings however in this piece he makes the texture of the paint look like acrylic paint. The piece “Schmerz has different images laid on top of each other along with smudges of paint in his work bringing different textures, this makes it difficult to focus on the painting as a whole another example of this is his piece ” Hinter dem Schilfgurtel, 2004″. Rauch isn’t really self aware of what he’s painting when he is working on his pieces as he says ” when I stand in front of a blank canvas, its if I’m standing in front of a wall of fog”( Alison M and Gingeras 99), this creates quite a messy texture in his paintings, his piece “Schmerz” also has a messy texture and because of this I think this makes the painting look hurried.
18575504_1317074361680446_23471842_o.jpg Figure2. Hinter dem Schilgurtel (Cantz, 2004, p.11).


“I View the process of painting as an extraordinarily form of discovering the world” ( Alison M and Gingeras 98). Rauch not only discovers the world in his paintings but also more about himself as most of his paintings are based of personal experiences, his piece “Schmerz” may not be the most pleasing piece of painting to me but all his paintings have a greater meaning behind it.
Figure 1
Monet, C. (2014). Schmerz. Retrieved from
Alison m, Gingeras and Centre Georgers Pompidou. Dear Painter Painter Me. Paris:     Centre Pompidou, 2002. Print.
Author Unknown. “Schemer by Neo Rauch, 2004”. Pictify. n.d.
Zwirner, David. “Biography”. David Zwimer. n.d. web.
Volk, Gregory. “Neu Rauch”. Art in America. 01. Jun. 2010. web.
Author Unknown. “Surrealism”. The Art Story”. n.d. web.
Neue Rollen. Neo Rauch. Germany: Dumont Literature and Kunst Verlag, 2006. Print.
Hatje Lantz. Neo Rauch Arbeiten auf Papier Works on Paper 2003 – 2004. Deutschland: Albertina, 2004. Print.
Cantz, H.V (2004). Neo Rauch Arbeiten auf Papier works on Paper 2005. Alberten.