Tactile (Traverse)


These pieces are done on cardboard paper with the indie ink, white and black acrylic paint. The size of these pieces are on A5 – A4 pieces of paper, I used white and black paper depending on what colour paint was going to be used on the piece.

Reading from blogs

Teresia Taiwan’s blog post “I was once seduce by Disney but no longer”,a topic on the film Moana. I admire how she has talked about disney’s misconception on the movie Moana. Because majority of disney films based on a culture has been filmed in a way to show false facts and is very misleading and a lot of disney films give a messages as a result to a lesson but it also comes with false messages from ones culture. culture as a material is also mentioned,I think Disney using culture as a material in their films is a good and bad thing and it is a good thing because of the diversity in Disney films however it can effect a lot of people given that fact of the false or wrong facts in the movies.
Karlo Mila’s blog post ” why Disney Maui is so wrong” another opinion piece on Moana, karlo’s opinion is based of on more of the character looks of Maui and she has talked about how Maui’s character was created inaccurate ” disney serving up a pot – bellied, barrel- chested man- baby, with eyes too close together, pupils perfectly aligned with his widespread nostrils in nice savage symmetry”, I think that karla saying this is a bit of a overrate because in my opinion characters in films are not real people after all however they maybe based of stories of people, the character isn’t a symbol to mock anyone or anything and it is just a cartoon character.
Louisa Afoa’s blog post “Fat maui: how he broke the internet”, this is a opinion piece on Maui(demi god)a character from Moana and society is comparing the character with real life pacific buff celebrities ” comparing Disney’s maui to the Rock and Jason Momoa”. Lousia is against the character looking perfect I acknowledge this because the build of a character shouldn’t have to be based of on having a perfect build because of its roll and here maui’s roll is a demi god, and since this is a children’s movie maui’s character look isn’t so bad,this lowers the chances of children to feel the need to grow up and have a perfect body.



The five key words I have chosen from my mind map are surrounding, music , art, photography and culture. Music is important to me because some songs holds memories, or it inspires in a way to create things  and see things visually and also music is a big part of my life because I spend a lot of time around listening to  music growing up and I’ve grown a love for music because of that and also helped me become who I am today in a way because of the different category of music I explore. Music has this effect of connecting with people or helping other people connect with one another, I’ve realised that a lot of people that I’ve met are through the interest of music and these are people from over seas sharing their music interest with me or friends close to me. Art is important to me because it makes me who I am I’ve followed my hobby of my interest in art such I was little because growing up there wasn’t much to do and I would draw or create objects with found objects and this bought out the creative side of me and as I started growing up I kept anything to do with art a hobby this has also helped me choose what I pursue what career I want to do in the future which is a graphic designer, my interest in art made me make a choice of leaving school at 16 and starting a art course to pursue my future practice. Photography is significant to me because I use photography to capture objects or anything i glimpse that inspires me, also it is other way how I express my self however I don’t capture important moments in my life through a camera because I think that being present in that moment and just enjoying it this a way of capturing a image using your memory. Lastly culture is important to me, the type of culture that is important to me is lifestyle, when I’m located in a place like the city it inspires me by being surround by different cultures.