Process Group Project

My group made cut outs for our project, we decided to make 3 pieces each and each piece represented some part of nature and my pieces represent the ocean therefore I did cut outs of waves.
Cut Outs
Cut outs were done by getting a image of a wave to stick on the piece of cardboard paper, once the image was glued on the piece of cardboard I would start placing more images around the cardboard, also spray on glue was used for this process. Once everything was stuck on I would start cutting lines out based on the image, the tool I used were a scalpel, the image was only used for the outline of the image all the details were done free handed and this process was repeated for each piece.
The background was designed with water colours, this was done by using water and liquid based water colour. Water is placed on the page depending on where I want colour and then I drip patches of ink into the pool of waters on the page, this gives it some sort of effect and blowing the ink out is also played with to create more patterns, also after that dries more paint is added on the page for more detail and this is mostly blue and white colours. This is also repeated through out each piece done.
Final Piece
The group did a final piece, this was a cut out of a circle which was used as a stencil  for a cut out from each of our pieces. Colour was added with water colour with a paint bush to paint over the stencil to create a image on the circle cut out and then this was framed for a more clean look.
The process of hanging our work was very experimental as we tried many ways to hang our work to see what worked out best. The first time we hanged our work we decided to hang them crooked down in a straight line and this wasn’t a very appealing look at the end, we thought it looked like a mess and then we ended up deciding to hang them straight and three on each side, after doing this we sticked with this placement as it looked the best.
The end results were good because its how we wanted views to see our project however we had trouble with the hanging process as working through out hanging our work we didn’t have the tools we needed to hang our work to the ceiling, also we were originally suppose to use screws for the ceiling to help hold our work to the ceiling however this did not go as planned because they did not go through the ceiling, we ended up tucking strings holding the working up to the boards of the ceiling and we also and trouble getting the pieces to look straight but in the end achieved this with team work.