New sequence of four images ( Subtractive and additive)

The process of these subtracting pieces are done with drawings i’ve already drawn and then I use this as the material for the whole piece to make a new image by taking areas of the drawing off and also cuttings shapes off from the same work to create shapes or objects. The materials used are paper (A1) glue and scissors.
These additive pieces were done with the process of cutting and glueing drawings i’ve already created on a  A1 piece of paper and then I added by drawing new images.
As a result of these works I think these two methods two add and subtract to my work were fast ways to produce work.

20 Images Of Collections

Sequence 1
My collection has a visual coherence showing abstraction in nature, all my images are related to the meaning of my sequence ” Abstract Forms Of Nature”. The drawings are abstract shapes of objects formed by nature (crystals), is drawn with lines and dots and thus these images are correlated to the context of the sequence.



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Sequence 2
 These 10 images of crystals are taken of the internet. The idea of these objects is about how they all look non- identical, how each of them has their own colour or shape thus showing an idea of uniqueness.