Concluding what I’ve learnt

fthe-10-biggest-dangers-posed-by-future-technology-4.jpgfig1. the 10 biggest dangers posed by future technology (whittaker, 2015)
Through out creative technology perspective I have learnt about multiple tops like perspective futurists, technological realities, the future content, art and technology, the work of the future, mobile software, multimedia, visual language, artificial intelligence, interactive design, and also tech and media. All these topics related to technology, design or trends which was really interesting to learnt about as a student studying in the creative field and this is because in each topic discussed I learnt about whats trending today and a possibility of the topic talked about trending in the future for example technology used in art to create pieces that are interactive are getting more trendy then modern art and finding out about this gives us a chance of choosing to work with the technology side of art to create art that the youth wants to see and to keep up with the trends coming our way. Another subject I learnt about is parts of technology that are developing and changing with us, which might not be good as it sounds for example in visual language emojis are starting to take over text or technology like robots are developing to do our jobs and take over careers and from all of this we can see that human kind has become to depending on technology and I like as the youth it is our jobs as creative students to make people see this and expand on ideas to prevent the dangerous side of technology evolving in our creative practice in the future as these things impacts our future too.
whittaker, L. (2015). the 10 biggest dangers posed by future technology. Retrieved from

perspective Summit (group 1 web and media)

As I was researching about web and media in technology I learnt that technology is an idea that works with creating media content, storying content, and transferring content and it is also used in the creative career field. while researching about technology in web and media I also noticed that technology is a wide known meaning and there were different meanings to understand the meaning and different ways. I learnt that media is communication used on the internet and web is a system on the internet used for linking information together word wide. I learnt the most on the meanings of media and web as this was my part of the research.


Figure 1. Technology Picture (author unknown, n.d)
Figure 1 – author unknown. (n.d). Technology Picture. Retrieved from

Perspective Summit

The three technologies that had the most impact on me in perspective summit are visual language, artificial intelligence and interactive design. The other topics also discussed about were web and media, Mobile software, and multimedia.
visual language was the most impressive topic talked about for me because I learnt that visual language is taking over text and writing, that currently there is a book getting created with emoji to communicate with the reader rather then text, I don’t feel impressed by the idea of emojis replacing text however it is interesting how visual has evolved from being used in social media and text messages to something more, this shows that it influences us quite a lot as it is something used in technology and this is something we face everyday and this also makes me think about the possibility of the human race not using text to communicate with but with symbols and images. Other reason why I found visual language a impressive topic was because of how it is used in the creative industries, adobe suite is one of the many software programs used to produce works for visual language. Other impressive fact is that visual language is currently being studied to be used in VR, the reason for this is so it can be used for deaf people to help with communication, this will allow them to communicate using videos and photos.
edit-24834-1430149724-2.jpgfig1, emoji hashtags, the new visual language and how to be fluent in it (Arredondo, 2015).
The topic about artificial intelligence had a impact on me because I found it the most scariest topic, this is because I learn that there is a possibility of robots taking over our jobs as this is highly possible because they are smarter then us and it is already happening for example currently a AI is able to create scripts and stories, also AI are viewed to be relayed on currently however the options for AI used in the future is still being questioned. AI is not response to human feelings this is one of the reasons why AI is not reliable in the future however they are able to bring brands to consumer expectations and they are able to be friendly to consumers. Another scary fact about this topic is that currently there are AI created to look like a human it also has human memories these subjects are called Bina48 and Sophia.
artificial-intelligence-robot-claims-will-destroy-human-race.jpgfig2, David Hanson with Sophia (Razza, 2016).
Interactive design is another topic that impacts me as this might be a technology I’ll use in the future for my creative practice which is graphic design, this is because technology is a big influence to humans today and Interactive design has a big influence with technology as it is about creating some kind of access for users to interact with the design and I think it would be interesting to use graphic design to interact with the viewer’s because it is important to let the view experience a design in many different ways. Interactive design is also a big part in design on the web as it is used to create websites and applications this is another reason why I’ve consider it to be part of my future creative practice.
Interactive_design_in_relation_to_other_fields_of_study.jpgfig3, interactive design diagram (author unknown, 2012).
In conclusion visual language, artificial intelligence and interactive design has impacts on me in different approaches however it doesn’t just have a impact on me because how what each of these subjects are capable of it has a impact on all of us.
Arredondo, R. (2015). emoji hashtags, the new visual language and how to be fluent in it. Retrieved from
Razza, A. (2016). David Hanson with Sophia. Retrieved from
Author unknown. (2012). interactive design diagram. Retrieved from

Reflection (The Future of Work)

future_of_work.jpeg-600x314.jpgfig1. jobs for the future of work ( Flynn, 2017).
Group fives presentations topic was on the future of work, it was well informed , the examples given were interesting and there was a well amount of areas talked about in this topic. we were informed about would it be possible for robots to take over jobs, what would happen to humans in the job field, trends with robot, technology in jobs, robots that are already used for jobs right now, and how it would effect the word.
The group that presented talked about the possibility of robotics taking over human jobs in the future , what it would be like for robots to be in the work field, what service would be like for humans and we were also informed about a robot working for amazon “called Kiva Robot “. The future of work was also discussed, the amount of unemployed people , amount of jobs lost and other changes were also talked about. Current trends with new technology was also discussed and the subjects talked about this were about how new technology are already being used in work places however they’re not taking us over yet, another topic that was talked about similar to what was said was will technology replace labor. The subject of how robots in the future will effect the environment was another subject discussed and I think this subject is very important as our environment is the foundation of earth.
we then debated on the moot which was “In the near future,there would be no need for humans in the workplace for we would be replaced by technology”.
Everyone agreed to the moot, the comments made were that if robots took over workplaces us humans wouldn’t be able to get paid and look after ourselves and this could lead to human extinction because of the amount of jobs lost and money and this also makes us think about if there were no humans around how would robots maintain themselves as robots can fix technical issues of them selves which also leads to robots would not be able to maintain earth themselves and another comment made was robots can’t make emotional connects with humans as they have no feelings.
In conclusion this topic is very interesting, the facts told were well informed  and there were a good amount of comments made from everyones view.
flynn, m. (2017). jobs for the future of work. retrieved from

Art and Technology (Team4)

I’ve learnt how technology can be used in art, the  different mediums it can be used in.
Technology in art has exist for a very long time and is still used today it is evolving in many ways, artist use technology to push their ideas further by doing things like creating sculptures, paintings using software and a lot of another creations are made with software in art that traditional art can’t do which makes the piece of art more interactive for the views. I’ve learnt that using technology in art can do more then traditional art however there two different ways to express creativity.
My contribution to the team was to research on statics on technology and art, I was ask to research about how many people used technology in art and as this is not a really possible to research on I decided to look for a medium people use in technology in art for example Creative Cloud and then find out from there how many people use the applications.
0358.550_5F00_thumb_5F00_6A3551D5.jpgfig1. join the conversation about art and technology in this instance of found images and 3D scans (Clayton, 2015)
Flynn, M. (2017) join the conversation about art and technology in this instance of found images and 3D scans. Retrieved from

Reflection ( The Future of content)

fig1. opinion: what is the future of virtual reality? (Rose, 2015).
Group three’s presentation was about the future of content, they informed the viewers with facts from different aspects, also gave us examples and these were all well informed.
some subjects that were confer about this topic was current trends, future trends, and the local impact. Among these discussions I found the local impact of future content interesting, comments made on this by the group presenting were “social media is a easier way to share stuff with other people” and they also commented on how social media is constantly improving.
we debated on the moot which was ” customised content will improve productivity and provide characteristic information however, it will cause people be less independent”.
There were disagreements and agreements, different comments were made from different viewers about the moot. The disagreements said about this was about how customising apps would not improve characteristic information however it may help people use the app or program better for example customising your Facebook page with tools you only need how ever a comment was made about how this already exist as well use our networks like youtube or google marks and fitters are saved automatically to the contents you are interested in therefore it will give you suggestions to your liking. The agreement said about this was how it may help one improve their characteristic by storing information from what they search or see on social content or websites.
In conclusion the presentation was interesting well talked about and well debated about.
Rose, A. (2015) opinion: what is the future of virtual reality?. Retrieved from

Reflection( Technological Realities)

ThinkstockPhotos-526766827.jpgfig1, 10 killer applications of the IOT and augmented reality ( Buntz, 2016).
Group two presented about technological realities and they were knowledgeable with the subject and gave descriptive information about what it is, different examples about what it is and how it effects us and other facts.
Some of the topics discussed with this subject was about virtual reality and how it could be used in the future to be virtually beyond from what it can do from now in the future. The discussion with virtual reality about the possibility how it can be used for more then just gaming, it could help medically to help paralysed people and because the VR uses 5 sense this could be a possible outcome.
We debated about the moot which was ” in 30 years times later would we spend more time in virtual reality then reality itself “.
There were disagreements and agreements, most of the comments disagreed about the option of spending more time in virtual reality then reality itself. The agreements that were discussed was about how technological realities have ready started being used and the idea of it is still expanding, what it can be used for and what it can do later in the future and so there is a possibility of us humans spending more time in virtual reality then reality itself and the disagreements were how we need to be cared for by eating and other human needs and so this might not give us the chance to live on a VR.
In conclusion the topic was well discussed, well informed, there were well given examples and different views on the moot were well talked about.
Buntz, B. (2016). 10 killer applications of the IOT and augmented reality. Retrieved from

Reflection (Perspective Futurists)

GBallaArt.jpg fig1. abstract speed + sound (author unknown, 2004).


Group ones presentation for perspective futurists was well informed with facts and different perspectives from researchers and scientist that are interested in possible future trends like nanotechnology and robotics.
some of the concepts that were discussed with nanotechnology were how this invention will help with improving humans by curing life treating diseases and improving memory and other human senses. The discussion about robotics were having robots part of the human society in the future to improve knowledge and skills as robots will be smarter then humans however that is also a possibility of humans losing jobs because of this.
We discussed about agreeing or disagreeing with the Moot, which was 20 – 25 years from now we will have nanobots improving our memory, fighting against diseases and improving cognitive abilities?, we focused mostly on the subject memory.
There were different comments and views from each discussion, the discussions that agreed on this movement was about how nanobots may improve our memory because today our society is already depending on technology to remind us things we need to remember for example Facebook reminders for friends birthdays, events, and more and this is already improving our memories in a way even though we are relaying on a device. And the disagreements were nanobots isn’t something to relay on because we don’t know how long they can last up to In our body and if the nanobots will start to die down inside of us, how would we know and our memory probably won’t improve much because of that.
In conclusion  the presentation was well informed with information and the discussions gave different perspectives on futurism.
author unknown. (2004). abstract speed + speed. retrieved from