3 final drawings

These are my three best drawings, I have chosen these three drawings as my best work which is drawing of an Japanese koi fish, crystal and a wave.
I choose drawing one (fish) as one of my best drawings because of the fine lines and detail, the scales on the fish made up with dots brings a interesting texture to the fish. Drawing two is another one of my best drawings because of the hidden images and details in it, there are layers of different images on top of each other in different scales and also the different lines gives the drawings a interesting contrast. Finally I choose drawing three as my best drawing along with the other drawings because  the scale of the drawing makes the drawing look simple and clean, also I like the geometric shapes and patterns added to it.

New sequence of four images ( Subtractive and additive)

The process of these subtracting pieces are done with drawings i’ve already drawn and then I use this as the material for the whole piece to make a new image by taking areas of the drawing off and also cuttings shapes off from the same work to create shapes or objects. The materials used are paper (A1) glue and scissors.
These additive pieces were done with the process of cutting and glueing drawings i’ve already created on a  A1 piece of paper and then I added by drawing new images.
As a result of these works I think these two methods two add and subtract to my work were fast ways to produce work.

20 Images Of Collections

Sequence 1
My collection has a visual coherence showing abstraction in nature, all my images are related to the meaning of my sequence ” Abstract Forms Of Nature”. The drawings are abstract shapes of objects formed by nature (crystals), is drawn with lines and dots and thus these images are correlated to the context of the sequence.



title 10 collections10978564321

Sequence 2
 These 10 images of crystals are taken of the internet. The idea of these objects is about how they all look non- identical, how each of them has their own colour or shape thus showing an idea of uniqueness.

Reflection (Perspective Futurists)

GBallaArt.jpg fig1. abstract speed + sound (author unknown, 2004).


Group ones presentation for perspective futurists was well informed with facts and different perspectives from researchers and scientist that are interested in possible future trends like nanotechnology and robotics.
some of the concepts that were discussed with nanotechnology were how this invention will help with improving humans by curing life treating diseases and improving memory and other human senses. The discussion about robotics were having robots part of the human society in the future to improve knowledge and skills as robots will be smarter then humans however that is also a possibility of humans losing jobs because of this.
We discussed about agreeing or disagreeing with the Moot, which was 20 – 25 years from now we will have nanobots improving our memory, fighting against diseases and improving cognitive abilities?, we focused mostly on the subject memory.
There were different comments and views from each discussion, the discussions that agreed on this movement was about how nanobots may improve our memory because today our society is already depending on technology to remind us things we need to remember for example Facebook reminders for friends birthdays, events, and more and this is already improving our memories in a way even though we are relaying on a device. And the disagreements were nanobots isn’t something to relay on because we don’t know how long they can last up to In our body and if the nanobots will start to die down inside of us, how would we know and our memory probably won’t improve much because of that.
In conclusion  the presentation was well informed with information and the discussions gave different perspectives on futurism.
author unknown. (2004). abstract speed + speed. retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futurism